What we do

Contractor management at Eelmoor Marsh (SSSI), managed by Marwell Wildlife. Credit: Paul N Drane

Specialist conservation advice and environmental assessments

Wild Borders Ecology can provide specialist services for your project or initiative, whether it be a newly funded project requiring specific ecological assessments, general advice to manage land sustainably or a concept you are seeking further support for, we’d be happy to help.

  • Nature conservation management planning, targeted works and contractor supervision

  • Wildlife monitoring and ecological assessments

  • Sustainable land management advice

  • Ecosystem Service assessments

  • Environmental Management Systems implementation

  • Grazing advice (including extensive grazing systems - experience gained as reserve land manager and five years doctoral research)

Partnership and relationship development, communicating nature recovery. Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, Isiolo, Kenya. Credit: Marwell Wildlife.

Species recovery, habitat restoration and sustainable land management

We are used to working with and developing relationships with professional partners, taking a collaborative approach with colleagues, funders and landowners to make a change for biodiversity

  • Specialist advice and guidance for enhancing habitats and species

  • Species reintroduction feasibility assessments

  • Offering technical support for nature recovery and ecological monitoring

  • Working with clients to develop successful grant-bids

  • Developing lasting relationships for landscape-scale working

Spatial land management planning and mapping across varied landscapes.

Technical support and advice, research and teaching

Supporting and technical advice and services for wildlife conservation and nature recovery projects

  • Experienced postgraduate demonstrator and academic supervisor for degree and masters research students

  • Postgraduate level UK and overseas field course lead (planning, organization and in-field operation)

  • Habitat creation design and planning

  • Nature recovery monitoring (e.g. tracking and mapping natural regeneration and recovery)

  • Data analysis and interpretation of ecological and environmental data

  • Research design and implementation for applied projects

  • Spatial (GIS) mapping and modelling