About us

Wild Borders Ecology is a small nature conservation consultancy, offering professional ecological services in Wales and England.

In our changing world, we offer specialist and high-impact advice and conservation services to support sustainable land management, inform land managers or owners wanting to restore priority habitats or create new ones for biodiversity, or enhance landscapes for the public goods (i.e. ecosystem services, such as health, water retention).

Only established in 2023, our principal ecologist, Dr. Martin Wilkie, has worked in the environmental charitable sector since 2003 gaining a breadth of expertise and experience in protected area management, wildlife monitoring, research, modelling and analysis, as well as project management and grant-bid writing.

Based near Knighton, Powys, we are able to provide services across the borders of Herefordshire, Shropshire, Powys and further afield.

Our aims are simple:

To provide professional, high-impact ecological services and support for existing or new nature conservation projects.

To support nature recovery projects, landscape and site-scale restoration.

To provide expertise in nature conservation, advising projects for nature enhancement, climate-adaptation or public goods.

To support early career scientists and conservation practitioners in gaining experience and knowledge.

Dr. Martin Wilkie BSc MSc PhD CIEEM

Freelance Ecologist

Martin is a senior ecologist with 20 years experience as a nature conservation manager, biologist and practitioner. He has worked in UK conservation for the majority of his career, but specialising in heathland, woodland and grazing ecology since 2007, while working as a conservation biologist and land manager for Marwell Wildlife. Martin has worked as a Visiting Researcher with the University of Southampton since 2013, supervising postgraduate students on applied research in the UK and East Africa. In 2022, Martin moved to Radnorshire and began work with the Radnorshire Wildlife Trust (RWT) as Head of Reserves and Land Management overseeing land operations on nature reserves, growing collaborative partnerships and developing fundraising , before venturing out as an independent ecologist with Wild Borders Ecology.

Martin completed a degree in Ecology in 2003, a masters in Environmental Sciences in 2006 and PhD in 2013 (evaluating extensive grazing systems and impacts to vegetation communities). A full member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) and panel member for the Conservation and Science Advisory Panel for Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust and Conservation Advisory Group for RWT.

Living and working in Powys, Wales, he has gained a diverse and broad range of experience across UK landscapes. He moved to the area with his family in 2022. He is passionate about sustainable land management, protecting and restoring landscapes for nature recovery, and creating wilder and more connected habitats, benefiting both people and nature.

Supported by Business Wales and committed to their Equality and Green Growth pledges.

Mae Martin yn uwch ecolegydd gydag 20 mlynedd o brofiad fel rheolwr cadwraeth natur, biolegydd ac ymarferydd. Mae wedi gweithio ym maes cadwraeth y DU am y rhan fwyaf o’i yrfa, ond yn arbenigo mewn ecoleg rhostir, coetir a phori ers 2007, wrth weithio fel biolegydd cadwraeth a rheolwr tir i Marwell Wildlife. Mae Martin wedi gweithio fel Ymchwilydd Gwadd gyda Phrifysgol Southampton ers 2013, gan oruchwylio myfyrwyr ôl-raddedig ar ymchwil gymhwysol yn y DU a Dwyrain Affrica. Yn 2022, symudodd Martin i Sir Faesyfed a dechreuodd weithio gydag Ymddiriedolaeth Bywyd Gwyllt Sir Faesyfed (RWT) fel Pennaeth Gwarchodfeydd a Rheoli Tir gan oruchwylio gweithrediadau tir ar warchodfeydd natur, meithrin partneriaethau cydweithredol a datblygu codi arian, cyn mentro allan fel ecolegydd annibynnol gyda Wild Borders Ecology.

Cwblhaodd Martin radd mewn Ecoleg yn 2003, gradd meistr mewn Gwyddorau Amgylcheddol yn 2006, a doethuriaeth yn 2013. Mae’n aelod llawn o Sefydliad Siartredig Ecoleg a Rheolaeth Amgylcheddol (CIEEM) ac yn aelod o’r Panel Ymgynghorol ar Gadwraeth a Gwyddoniaeth ar gyfer Ymddiriedolaeth Natur Hampshire ac Ynys Wyth a’r Grŵp Ymgynghorol ar Gadwraeth ar gyfer RWT.

Mae’n byw a gweithio ym Mhowys, ac mae wedi cael ystod amrywiol ac eang o brofiadau ledled tirweddau’r DU. Symudodd i'r ardal gyda'i deulu yn 2022. Mae’n frwd dros reoli tir yn gynaliadwy, gwarchod ac adfer tirweddau ar gyfer adferiad natur, a chreu cynefinoedd mwy gwyllt a mwy cysylltiedig, er budd pobl a byd natur.

Gyda chefnogaeth Busnes Cymru ac wedi ymrwymo i'w haddewidion Cydraddoldeb a Thwf Gwyrdd.